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Before and after.


Rupert's floor was in a poor state, cleaning off the rust kept exposing more corrosion.

I cut away the old to weld a new plate in, I put a single hole in this for the clip in metal bung.

Sort of continuing the pressed channels into the new piece, I welded the plate over the floor, with a view to welding again from underneath, With underneath completed, seam sealed and undersealed, I cleaned up the inside and painted it with satin black metal finish, masking the top edge for a good neat finish.

This was all very well, but my favourite part of the job was applying the sound deadening material, after fitting all the bungs of course! From our local body shop supplier, the material is hard, it's self adhesive with a paper backing. Cut to size, remove the paper and lay it in place, then soften with a hot air gun and rub down with a soft cloth.

Lovely! It's a shame to put the carpet back!

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