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These pages are dedicated to all the Deltas around the world and their proud owners.

As David Cironi says, 'Delta love is a special love', he's right!

Send us some pictures and info about your Integrale, and we'd be pleased to post them up on your own page. Confidentiality respected, and licence plates blanked if you would like.

Let's get started....

Canadian Evo1

Boris's lovely Winner red Evo1 in Toronto.

Unique to these parts!

Exciting Delta trio in exciting Hong Kong

What's better than a Lancia Delta? 3 of course!

Talk about brave!

Matthew's Hong Kong Delta

A well looked after 16v Integrale, RHD too.

An ex Walkers Evo2 on the road to recovery

Affordability is in the eye of the beholder. Giulio sees through the hype!.

A sparkling Derby green Evo1 from UK

A lovely car hiding its past

William's great Evo1, it came a long way to be at home in New York, USA

Here's a lovely Evo1 living in Germany, it's a Kat car in attractive and unusual Derby green

Jason's unique Lord Blue 8v from New Jersey USA

Here's a very rare ex Japanese home market 8v Integrale, alive and well in the US, press button to read about it.

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